Flupropanate Granular Herbicide

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is a high-quality residual herbicide granule for controlling Giant Rat’s Tail Grass, Giant Parramatta Grass, Serrated Tussock, Chilean Needle Grass & African Lovegrass.

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is unique as it will selectively kill the above weed species without devastating many other desirable pasture species.

Active Ingredient: Flupropanate @ 86.9g/kg

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
4 out of 5 (1 customers reviews)

4 or more$465.00 eachAvailable

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Flupropanate Granular Herbicide GRANULAR-FLUPROPANATE Granular Products


Flupropanate Granular Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Flupropanate @ 86.9g/kg

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is a high-quality residual herbicide granule for the control of:

African Feathergrass (Pennisetum macrourum) Giant Rat’s Tail Grass
African love grass (Eragrostis curvula) Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum)
Cane grass/Thatch grass, Jaragua grass Needle grasses (Nassella neesiana, N. leucotricha, N.hyalina, N. charruana, N. tenuissima)
Chilean Needle Grass Parramatta grass (Sporobolus pyramidalis and Sporobolus. natalensis)
Coolatai Grass (Small patchy infestations) (Hyparrhenia spp) Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum)
Couch (Cynodon dactylon) Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma)
Giant Parramatta Grass (Sporobolus fertilis),

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is unique as it will selectively kill the above weed species without devastating many other desirable pasture species.  Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is a systemic herbicide with low contact activity as it is mainly taken up by the roots, where it is translocated to other parts of the plant. This process begins after a minimum of 5 mm of rain. The herbicide acts very slowly, and the first signs of the weeds dying may take up to 3 months – depending on factors such as soil type, rainfall, etc. A major benefit of this herbicide is its ability to keep killing germinating seedlings for 3-4 years after initial treatment.

  • Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is suitable for Aerial, ground and hand application.
  • A granular formulation that is not mixed in water. 
  • It is an effective residual herbicide. For best control, apply during periods of active plant growth.
  • Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is manufactured in Australia with a formula specifically designed for Australian conditions.
  • It is an economical choice for use in the control of Invasive Grasses on grazing lands.

Where can Flupropanate Granular Herbicide be used;

  • Industrial Use
  • Pastures and non-crop situations
  • Urban open space, woodlands, roadsides, nature reserves, pastures and non-crop situations
  • Commercial Forestry Araucaria, Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Pinus species
  • Non Crop Situations

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide can be applied at any time of the year. Treatment becomes effective after sufficient rainfall mobilizes the active into the root zone where it is absorbed by the Target grass. Herbicidal activity will continue for several seasons after application. The granules have a hardy clay carrier with the Flupropanate present both on the surface and within the clay core. This allows the granules to have a two-phase release, with the Flupropanate being rapidly released from the surface of the granule and then more slowly released from within the clay core. This, in turn, allows for better weed control.

The time required for complete plant death depends on soil type, amount of rainfall, root depth, plant species, plant density and rate of Flupropanate used.

The rate for aerial application will be between 7.5 kg/Ha and 15 kg/Ha. A single application is normally effective for several years.

Forage Grass production usually increases as competition is reduced. Increased grass production is also dependent on adequate rainfall and an acceptable grazing management program.

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide may cause temporary herbicidal symptoms to appear on perennial grasses. Higher rates used to control severe infestation may kill some beneficial grasses. This effect may be minimised by managing for application when grasses are dormant.

Flurpopanate herbicides, whether liquid or granular, are neither registered nor recommended for domestic, garden, or turf use.

Pack Sizes: 750gm & 15kg

Registrant: Granular Products Pty Ltd  (APVMA #:61689)

Granular Herbicide Range


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    Good on Giant Ratstail does the job

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Features & Benefits

  • It contains the active ingredient Flupropanate.
  • Long-lasting residual effect (keeps killing germinating seedlings many years after initial treatment)
  • It can be applied by hand, ground or aerial application
  • Ready to use granule with no mixing required.
  • Clay carrier allows two-phase release timing of the active ingredient for better weed control.
  • Selectively kills certain weed species without devastating many other desirable pasture species.

Directions Of Use

Click here for Flupropanate Granular Herbicide Label Directions for Use

General Application Rates: 

Situation: Industrial Use

Weeds Controlled: Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum), Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum), Couch (Cynodon dactylon) & African Feathergrass (Pennisetum macrourum).


  • Ground: 67.5kg per Hectare
  • Spot Application: 3.425g/m2

Situation: Pastures and non-crop situations

Weeds Controlled: Weedy Sporobolus species such as Parramatta grass (Sporobolus africanus), Giant Parramatta Grass (Sporobolus fertilis), Giant Rat’s Tail grasses (Sporobolus pyramidalis  and Sporobolus. natalensis), African love grass (Eragrostis curvula), Coolatai Grass (Small patchy infestations) (Hyparrhenia spp), Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma) & Cane grass/Thatch grass, Jaragua grass.


  • Ground and Air: 15kg-22.5kg per Ha
  • Spot Application: 1.5g-2.25g per m2

Situation: Urban open space, woodlands, roadsides, nature reserves, pastures and non-crop situations

Weeds Controlled: Needle grasses (Nassella neesiana, N. leucotricha, N. hyalina, N. charruana, N. tenuissima)


  • Ground: 15kg per Ha
  • Spot Application: 1.5g per m2

Situation: Commercial Forestry Araucaria, Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Pinus species

Weeds Controlled: Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma), Sporobolus sp. (Giant Rats Tail Grass, Giant Parramatta grass)


  • Ground and Air: 15kg per Ha
  • Spot Application: 1.5g/m2

Situation: Non Crop Situations

Weeds Controlled: Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum), Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) and Couch (Cynodon dactylon)


  • Ground: 67.5kg per Ha
  • Spot Application: 3.425g/m2

There are approximately 400,000 granules per kg, so an application rate of 15 kg/ha (1.5gm per m2) delivers more than 600 granules/m2.  This prolific distribution ensures good coverage, even in difficult-to-access areas.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Flupropanate Granular Herbicide Label Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Regarding the use of Flupropanate to control Bamboo. On the Q&A for Grazon Extra herbicide, an answer recommends flupropanate for running bamboo yet on the Flupropanate page, another answer states that it is not registered to control black running bamboo. Are there certain bamboo species Flupropanate is effective in controlling and is there information available on which species and application methods?

  1. Q Regarding the use of Flupropanate to control Bamboo. On the Q&A for Grazon Extra herbicide, a...... Read more
    Asked by Jesse on November 23, 2024 4:00 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority) has issued a permit # PER83165 to Biosecurity Queensland to use liquid flupropanate 745g/L to control 'running bamboo' in non-crop areas, rights of ways, reserves and bushland , mixing rate 200mL to 100L water. The details of this permit can be found  https://permits.apvma.gov.au/PER83165.PDF

  2. Is Fluproponate Granular Herbicide effective on Serrated Tussock seeds on the ground? What is the recommended method of application?

  3. Q Is Fluproponate Granular Herbicide effective on Serrated Tussock seeds on the ground? What is the...... Read more
    Asked by Simon on November 18, 2024 2:39 pm
    Answered by the admin

    For Serrated Tussock in pastures and non-crop situations, Flupropanate Granular Herbicide can be applied by ground or air for general application or as a spot application. Please refer to the label and 'directions of use'. It will be effective in killing the seed bank as it germinates; however, it won't kill the seeds immediately. It attacks the root system of growing plants, so the residual properties of the herbicide will kill the seedling as it germinates. 

  4. I have 100 acres, with African love grass covering around 70% of the paddocks. How many kilograms per hectare should I spread of Flupropanate Granular Herbicide to eradicate the African Lovegrass. After the Lovegrass has died off, am I able to seed with a desirable pasture seed? We are ideally planning to graze cattle on the land in late 2025.

  5. Q I have 100 acres, with African love grass covering around 70% of the paddocks. How many kilograms...... Read more
    Asked by A.W on October 5, 2024 9:20 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Sowing rate: To target African Lovegrass in pastures and non-crop situations, the label recommends a rate of 22.5 kilograms of Flupropanate Granular Herbicide to be applied per hectare for general ground or air application (not spot application), applied from February to December inclusive.  Withholding Period: Areas receiving general treatment (treatment other than spot application) are not to be grazed or cut for stock feed for 4 months after treatment. If stock graze the area after the 4 month period, do not slaughter or milk them for human consumption until they have been on clean feed for 14 days. This 14 day clean feed requirement applies permanently to all treated areas. Sowing pastures: Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is a selective herbicide, but due to its long-lasting residual nature, some desirable pasture species may be affected even after the withholding period. It will depend on what your desirable pasture species are and whether they will be targeted. Species such as Phalaris, Cocksfoot, Ryegrass, Red and White Clovers, Sub Clovers, and Lucerne may be sown but not until after 100mm of leaching rain has fallen. If species are targeted by Flupropanate Granular Herbicide, such as Kikuyu or Paspalum, it may keep killing germinating seedlings for 3-4 years after initial treatment. We do recommend you read the label & SDS in detail, which can be found on our product page under 'SDS & Technical.'

  6. Does Flupropanate Granular Herbicide kill running black bamboo? Will the granules work if they are spread on top leaf litter, or does it have to be bare soil?

  7. Q Does Flupropanate Granular Herbicide kill running black bamboo? Will the granules work if they ar...... Read more
    Asked by Dean Crowley on July 30, 2024 11:02 am
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is not registered to control running black bamboo. To be effective, the granules must be broken down with moisture and leached into the soil where the weeds' root system is. High organic or leaf matter can hinder this process.

  8. Can you use Flupropanate Granular Herbicide on sloping land? I’m worried the rain may wash it downhill and not be effective.

  9. Q Can you use Flupropanate Granular Herbicide on sloping land? I’m worried the rain may wash it dow...... Read more
    Asked by Christine on May 22, 2024 8:08 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is not restrained by the slope of the land to which it is being applied. However, it is susceptible to leaching and movement in the soil under heavy rainfall, and where possible, application should be delayed if intense rainfall is expected. The granules should not be applied during periods of intense rainfall or under conditions that will cause pellet movement to non-target areas. In areas with seasonal rainfall, useful applications may be made before rainfall events to bring plants into active growth (avoid runoff events).

  10. Please can you clarify the Flupropanate Granular Herbicide WHP for me? If a paddock that has been spot sprayed for GRT and locked up for 14 days is now running cull cows, do I need to move them to another untreated paddock for 14 days before slaughter?

  11. Q Please can you clarify the Flupropanate Granular Herbicide WHP for me? If a paddock that has been...... Read more
    Asked by Glenn on April 16, 2024 6:37 am
    Answered by the admin

    The withholding period details for the Flupropanate Granular Herbicide state that "Areas receiving spot treatment are not to be grazed or cut for stock feed for at least 14 days after treatment. Stock is not to be grazed in treated areas for 14 days prior to slaughter." Therefore, if you only applied the Flupropanate Granular Herbicide as a spot treatment, any stock grazed on that paddock in the future must be moved onto clean (not treated by flupropanate) paddocks for 14 days before going to slaughter.

  12. Does Flupropanate Granular Herbicide have a use by date?

  13. Q Does Flupropanate Granular Herbicide have a use by date?
    Asked by Tony on February 12, 2024 9:30 am
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide does not have an expiry date. However, manufacturers recommend that the best practice is to use herbicide within a 3-5 year period from the date of manufacture with correct storage, i.e., store in the closed original container in a dry, well-ventilated area, as cool as possible. 

  14. Can you mix Flupropanate Granular Herbicide with water and put it out with a boom spray?

  15. Q Can you mix Flupropanate Granular Herbicide with water and put it out with a boom spray?
    Asked by colin on December 9, 2023 4:01 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is formulated to be applied only as a pellet/granule. Once used, the treatment becomes effective after sufficient rainfall, which allows the pellet to break down and be leached into the soil. The granules have a hardy clay carrier with the Flupropanate on the surface and within the clay core. This allows the granules to have a two-phase release, with the Flupropanate being rapidly released from the exterior of the granule and then more slowly released from within the clay core. If the granules are diluted with water, the clay will remain as a residue, blocking filters and spray nozzles. The dilution rate with water has also not been established for adequate control.

  16. What sort of spreader could be used to apply Flupropanate Granular Herbicide on a roadside when controlling Chilian Needle grass?

  17. Q What sort of spreader could be used to apply Flupropanate Granular Herbicide on a roadside when c...... Read more
    Asked by Garry Kneebone on October 31, 2023 4:56 am
    Answered by the admin

    For the application of Flupropanate Granular Herbicide along roadsides, we would recommend the Iris IE-SS/C 12V Electric Spreader. The adjustable spreader can apply a spreading pattern of 90 to 180 degrees (Right or left by manual settings). This is ideal for directing the granules onto the area off the roadside where the Chilian Needle grass is.

  18. We have separate paddocks throughout our property. 1. Rhodes, Panics paddocks 2. Seteria, paspalum paddocks 3. Kikuyu paddocks 4 Cover crop paddocks - millet, sorghum and legumes. Where can I use Flupropanate Granular Herbicide to manage parramatta grass infestations? 

  19. Q We have separate paddocks throughout our property. 1. Rhodes, Panics paddocks 2. Seteria, paspalu...... Read more
    Asked by Chris on October 15, 2023 12:15 pm
    Answered by the admin

    When used at higher rates to target Parramatta Grass, Flupropanate Granular Herbicide may kill some beneficial grasses such as paspalum kikuyu, couch and other perennial grasses that are not listed on the product label. This effect may be minimised by managing for application when grasses are dormant or by applying as spot applications. Certain legumes may also be damaged if exposed to Flupropanate or germinate before rresidues dissipate from the soil.

  20. Are Flupropanate Granular Herbicide pellets toxic to dogs? Can it be spread safely in an area where dogs are located?

  21. Q Are Flupropanate Granular Herbicide pellets toxic to dogs? Can it be spread safely in an area whe...... Read more
    Asked by RACHEL on July 22, 2023 5:27 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is not considered toxic to livestock, wildlife or pets. However, it may irritate the eyes or skin upon contact. The herbicide is encased in a clay carrier that slowly dissolves once applied and leaches into the soil.  The clay pellets are not considered attractive to pets or livestock and do not contain enough active ingredients to be toxic if consumed.

  22. I want to eliminate a Poa Lab infestation in an area of about 1 acre that is not grazed. I understand that it can be applied directly to each plant clump. About how many grams of Flupropanate is required for each mature plant?

  23. Q I want to eliminate a Poa Lab infestation in an area of about 1 acre that is not grazed. I unders...... Read more
    Asked by pat on March 4, 2023 3:58 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is not specifically registered to control Poa labillardieri or 'Common Tussock Grass'. It is registered to control serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma) at a rate of 1.5g/m2 (15kg/Ha). This rate may be used as a guide if an 'off-label' test is undertaken to test the product's effectiveness on Poa labillardieri or 'Common Tussock Grass'.

  24. I have Parramatta and African love grass infestation of lawns. . What effect will Flupropanate Granular Herbicide have on buffalo and couch?

  25. Q I have Parramatta and African love grass infestation of lawns. . What effect will Flupropanate Gr...... Read more
    Asked by Mick on September 22, 2022 11:44 am
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is not registered or recommended in domestic/turf situations. Flupropanate Granular Herbicide targets couch grass when used in industrial cases, so it is likely to cause severe damage or death in a turf situation.  The effect on Buffalo Turf is unknown as the product has not been tested or provided any data when used in this situation.

  26. If sprayed on native couch grasses along roadways and sporting areas will it kill everything. ?? Is there a reduced rate that will not take out the couch? What is the preferred rate if Chilean needle grass is in seed? Ie : to spray now in November.
  27. Q If sprayed on native couch grasses along roadways and sporting areas will it kill everything. ?? ...... Read more
    Asked by Peter White on November 23, 2021 7:56 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanarte Granular Herbicide is a selective herbicide that targets certain grass and tussock species.  To the best of my knowledge, it will have no effect on broadleaf species (& weeds) and is not a complete knockdown herbicide.  If you did apply to areas with couch grass, it is certainly likely to affect the couch and other grasses that it comes in contact with (ie Paspalum & Kikuyu).  There is not a reduced rate to use in couch grass.  The recommended application rate for Needle Grasses is 22.5kg/Ha (2.25g/m2) and should be applied from Feb - December.  The Flupropanate will not have any effect on the seed present on the needle grass (ie will not kill or sterilise it).  The herbicide remains in the soil as a residual to control existing seeds that continue to germinate.  If you can, remove seed heads manually and destroy them.

  28. Is a special applicator required for granular flupropanate/
  29. Q Is a special applicator required for granular flupropanate/
    Asked by Tess Heighes on October 27, 2021 7:08 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Ground application of the Flupropanate Granular Herbicide can be carried out in suitable areas with a precision spreader that can be calibrated to apply the correct amount of granules per square metre.  

  30. I am after a1kg
  31. Q I am after a1kg
    Asked by Pat clisdell on October 26, 2021 12:44 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is manufactured and sold in 750-gm (shaker packs), 15-kg (Buckets) and Bulk bags (500-kg).

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Commercial Forestry Giant Parramatta Grass - Sporobolous Fer, Giant Rats Tail Grass - S Natalensis, Serrated Tussock
Industrial Area - Outdoors African Feather Grass, Couch Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum
Non-crop Area - General African Lovegrass, Columbus Grass, Couch Grass, Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Needle Grass, Parramatta Grass, Paspalum, Rat's Tail Grasses, Serrated Tussock
Non-crop Bushland Areas, Roadside Weed Control, Urban Open Space & Woodlands Needle Grass
Pasture African Lovegrass, Needle Grass, Parramatta Grass, Rat's Tail Grasses, Serrated Tussock

Tips For Use

General Instructions:

  • This product is a granular formulation that is not mixed in water. It is an effective residual herbicide.
  • For best control, apply during periods of active plant growth.
  • Application, when vegetation is dormant, semi-dormant, under moisture stress or during winter months, may not be as effective.
  • In temperate winter rainfall areas where temperatures are generally below 25oC during the period of active growth, the overall effect may be slow to appear.
  • For best control of perennials, apply during spring months in these areas.
  • Sufficient moisture is required after treatment to promote root absorption by the weed species.
  • Results obtained may vary with rainfall, soil types and other conditions.
  • Do not apply during periods of intense rainfall or under conditions that will cause pellet movement to non-target areas.
  • Do not use this product via dust-prone methods.
  • Only use applicators specifically designed to dispense granular products.
  • Do not use human flaggers in aerial spraying unless protected by engineering controls such as enclosed cabs.


  • Do not apply near desirable, susceptible trees.
  • Damage to seedling trees is possible.
  • Do not allow drift onto susceptible crops or ornamentals.
  • Do not apply in dry winters, severe droughts or to weeds retarded by burning.
  • Do not apply to desirable perennial or annual grasses such as phalaris, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, Poa tussock or annual ryegrass.
  • Do not apply in areas where deposited granules are accessible by the general public. This includes parks, gardens, recreational reserves, etc.


  • The optimum timing of GP Flupropanate application to avoid damage to desirable pasture species and/or allow GP Flupropanate residues to be leached from soil prior to Autumn re-feeding is the period November to February inclusive.
  • Precautions on re-seeding and protection of pasture legumes must be observed.

Application Timing:

  • May be applied all year round.
  • Especially for broadacre treatments, the best results are achieved when applied to actively growing stress-free weeds, particularly in warm periods.
  • In areas with seasonal rainfall, useful applications may be made before rainfall events to bring plants into active growth (avoid runoff events).
  • In the tablelands and cooler regions of SE Australia, useful applications can be made just before growing seasons to just before first frosts.
  • Poor results have occurred when applied in dry winters.
  • Poor results have occurred when applied in severe droughts or to weeds retarded by burning.


  • This product is very slow-acting, and control of existing growth will take 3-12 months, depending on weather conditions and the senescence of plant foliage.
  • The actual length of satisfactory residual control will depend on soil type and rainfall until regeneration occurs from grass seed or surviving rhizomes.
  • Avoid use in channels and drains where roots of desirable plants may extend and in other situations where plants grow close to the treated area.
  • Control of grasses growing in shaded conditions may be reduced.
  • Subterranean clover and other annual legumes may be damaged if exposed to this product or if they germinate before residues have dissipated from the soil.
  • Do not treat pasture land with this product more than once a year.
  • Excessive application rates above the recommended rate will reduce selective control and can cause a significant impact on desirable species, including sown perennial grasses.
  • This product is liable to leaching and movement in the soil under heavy rainfall, and where possible, application should be delayed if intense rainfall is expected.

Paddock preparation:

  • Graze desirable species before spraying to prevent them from covering weeds.


  • Desirable pasture species such as Phalaris, cocksfoot, ryegrass, red and white clovers, subterranean clovers and lucerne may be sown after at least 100 mm of leaching rain has fallen.

Cleaning Up:

  • Equipment should be cleaned after use.

Protection of Crops, Native and Other Non-Target Plants:

  • Do not apply the product on or near desirable trees or other plants or on areas where their roots may extend.
  • As guidance, this is two times their height or more, depending on the species and other conditions.
  • Do not apply the product in areas where a surface flow of water could wash the chemical into areas where the roots of desirable trees or plants may extend.
  • Do not use in irrigation channels or in drains where water is discharged onto pasture land or cropland, on lawns, walkways, driveways or tennis courts.
  • Do not empty equipment in the above situations.

Protection of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans and the Environment:

  • Dangerous to fish.
  • Keep animals away from treated areas.


  • Store in the closed original container in a dry, well-ventilated area, as cool as possible.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.
  • Do not re-use container or packaging.
  • During storage, keep from contact with fertilisers, other pesticides and seeds.

Safety Directions:

  • It may irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When using the product, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

Invasive Plant Management – Giant rat’s tail grass

Giant Parramatta Grass weed control and identification

Giant Rats Tail Grass Fundamentals & Insights For Management Presentation Video. Dr Wayne Vogler, Tropical Weeds Research Centre, Charters Towers (Biosecruity Qld – DAF).

Serrated Tussock Spraying Demonstration.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash the skin thoroughly.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​


Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Areas receiving blanket treatment (That is treatment other than spot application) are not to be grazed or cut for stock feed for 4 months after treatment. 
  • Areas receiving spot treatment are not to be grazed or cut for stock feed for at least 14 days after treatment. Stock is not to be grazed in treated areas for 14 days prior to slaughter. 
  • Lactating cows or goats must not be grazed in treated areas.

SDS & Technical

Flupropanate Granular Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide Product Guide Download Pdf
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide TechSheet Download Pdf

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